Information in English
The 2nd Gymnasium of Xanthi is a typical Greek middle school (gymnasium in Greek).
A gymnasium has 3 grades (A, B, and C) and, according to the Greek legislation, it is part of
what is called compulsory education (i.e., every citizen or legal resident of Greece must
attend and complete her studies in gymnasium). The gymnasium offers a great range of classes that include:Greek language, Ancient Greek language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Informatics, Geography, Music, Art, Physical Education, etc. Two times every school year pupils get their grade reports and the end of the school year they take written examinations and their scores are used to in their overall evaluation. Grades in middle schools range from 1 to 20, where 10 is the minimum grade needed to pass a specific learning area. Since our school has a number of pupils that belong to the Muslim minority of Thrace, there is a special provision for them and so 8 is the minimum grade needed to pass language classes. Greek schools are engaged in a number of extracurricular activities. Such activities include charity fundraising activities, educational excursions, participation in youth festivals, participation in STEM contest, athletic competitions, and participation in EU-funded programs, mainly the Erasmus+
program. Currently, the 2nd Gymnasium of Xanthi employs 35 teachers and has 370 pupils in all three grades. The school has 14 classes and there are two teachers that assist pupils with learning disabilities.
It should be noted that the school follows the standard curriculum, which has been designed by the
authorities of the Ministry of Education, nevertheless, STEM teachers develop activities or
modify the curriculum so to make learning enjoyable and interesting.